
Mandatory criteria
Proven Leadership: 10+ years of experience in soft ware engineering, including 5+ yearsleading AWS-focused cloud platf orm teams. Demonstrated ability to manage large-scalecloud architectures.
AWS Experti se: Deep knowledge of AWS services and infrastructure-as-code practi ces.Experience with tools like EC2, Lambda, S3, and CDK is essenti al.
Developer Experience Advocate: Experience enhancing developer workfl ows withadvanced CI/CD pipelines, automated testi ng, and cloud development environments.
Security Focus: Strong background in cloud security principles and supply chain security.Experience in threat modelling and security by design.
Innovative Mindset: Ability to foster innovati on in MLOps, helping shape the future of machine learning within Sonar’s platform.

On a daily basis, you will
Lead Platf orm Engineering Teams: Guide engineering managers and their teams in buildingcloud-nati ve applicati ons and enhancing developer productivity on AWS.
Set the Technical Vision: Defi ne and communicate the architectural strategy for Sonar’scloud platf orm, improving product delivery and developer experience.
Enhance Developer Experience: Implement cutti ng-edge tools, such as secured CI/CDpipelines, automated testi ng, and cloud-based development environments that empowerdevelopers.
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Cross-Functi onal Collaborati on: Work with product management, engineering, andstakeholders to deliver soluti ons that align with business and customer needs.
Recruit, Mentor, Lead: Build and nurture high-performing teams by att racti ng top talent andfostering a culture of innovati on, conti nuous learning, and excellence.
Advance MLOps: Lead our MLOps initi ati ves, shaping frameworks that enable futureinnovati on in machine learning and automation.

To apply please use the following link: