
## Your tasks ##

* PhD in experimental physics
* Conduct research on frustrated quantum magnets using neutron scattering and bulk properties measurements
* Collaborate with partners and present results at workshops and conferences
* Participate in the development of ultra-low temperature instrumentation
* Support activities at the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source

## Your profile ##

* Master-s degree in physics or physical chemistry
* Experience with experimental work and data treatment
* Experience with programming, e.g. using Python language
* Strong written and oral communication skills in English
* Ability to work independently and collaborate effectively with both theoretical and experimental partners

## We offer ##

Our institution is based on an interdisciplinary, innovative and dynamic collaboration. You will profit from a systematic training on the job, in addition to personal development possibilities and our pronounced vocational training culture. If you wish to optimally combine work and family life or other personal interests, we are able to support you with our modern employment conditions and the on-site infrastructure.

For further information, please contact Dr Romain Sibille, phone +41 56 310 35 80.

Please submit your application online by **27 July 2024 **(including addresses of referees) for the position as a PhD Student (index no. 3301-00).

Paul Scherrer Institut, Human Resources Management, Luca Simen, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland