
###### Job Informationen ######

Location: Zurich Workload: Full time Your tasks: We-re looking for an experienced superstar who enjoys working alongside our CTO and other experienced engineers and designers to quickly build and iterate on backend and frontend for our secondhand marketplace. \* Build the core, user-facing product. You-ll build the product and everything behind the scenes from the ground up, having a huge and direct impact by shipping your work to users daily. \* Use modern web tech and influence the stack. We use the PETAL stack. LiveView with TailwindCSS on the frontend, and Elixir/Phoenix on the backend to build a best-in-class client and infrastructure that scales. As we build out our stack, you get to make critical choices and lay the foundations. \* Create a robust and scalable backend. Build PostgreSQL database models, performant API, 3rd party integrations (payment, shipping, insurance), product analytics, transactional email, and service monitoring. We currently deploy to AWS to keep DevOps simple and will be looking for you to establish viable long-term cloud infrastructure and operations. \* Build UI components. You-ll implement basic UI with TailwindCSS and LiveView based on Figma mocks and our design system. You-ll collaborate with designers and frontend engineers on user-facing features powered by your backend code. We rapidly ship UI that has an amazing feel to it by polishing CSS, interaction states, and animations. \* Solve interesting technical problems. Bring your full creativity to solve super-challenging technical problems: from complex backend architecture with many 3rd party integrations, real-time product search, recommendation engine, highly scalable e-commerce platform, to nifty client-side interactions. Your profile: You're a senior individual contributor that has built online platforms before and this is not an area you have to ramp up on. We don't require formal qualifications but do value learning - especially from one another. We are looking for someone with an excellent attention to detail that feels a sense of duty to the users of their work. \* Used Elixir, Phoenix & LiveView in production before. You are a strong supporter of FP and keep up diligently with the advances in the Elixir universe. Being an active member of the community would be a strong plus. \* Highly productive while producing quality code. You enjoy pushing out features in a pragmatic and maintainable way. You know when to use duct tape and when to lay a foundation. \* Curious and quick learning. We don't expect you to have experience in every technology we use, but to learn and be productive quickly. Owning several repos and jumping into all of them doesn't scare you. \* Design sensibility. While you'll co-craft the interface with top designers and frontend engineers, we expect you to have a knack for great UX, such that you feel if something is off and can flag it, or better yet, polish it. \* Attention to detail while pragmatic. We strive for few slips in code, Git hygiene, and clear written communication - all while remaining low-ego and simply focusing on solutions. \* Good heart. We don't tolerate jerks and are generally just friendly people.

###### Benötigte Skills ######

* PostgreSQL
* E-commerce
* Senior
* Monitoring
* CSS3
* UX
* DevOps